Monday, March 10, 2025

Moksha Kalyanram Abhiramula – Managing Partner, La Mintage Dispute Resolution Hub

Get the expertise and guidance of an experienced dispute resolution firm

In spite of all the growth and advancements in the last couple of decades in our country, business sector has always struggled to come out of the clutches of litigations. A lot of people still lack understanding about law and repercussions of litigation on business. Above all, their worries are aggravated by being misguided regarding their cases. This results in legal battle prolong for years coupled with deprival of relief. This is when people badly need the guidance of a trusted and experienced dispute resolution firm. Today, we are going to talk about one such firm – La Mintage Dispute Resolution Hub LLP — whose sole aim is to offer amicable solutions to its clients.

Moksha Kalyanram Abhiramula, Managing Partner at La Mintage Dispute Resolution Hub LLP, noticed people’s struggles regarding law and the significant impact of a litigation on business. He witnessed people being mis-guided about their cases, resulting in legal battle stretch for years. Not only this, he saw that even after going through all the quandaries, there was no sigh of relief for such people. This led him to understanding and assessment of dire need of setting up dispute resolution hub with an objective to help society at large to amicably resolve disputes and differences.

Dispute Resolution Hub was started with an aim to facilitate arbitration, mediation and conciliation. Through arbitration and mediation, the commercial disputes are resolved faster and the aggrieved parties can also get an option of out of court settlement at much lesser cost. The time is saved of the aggrieved parties since the disputes are resolved faster. In his sincere efforts to offer satisfying resolutions, Mr. Moksha is aptly supported by Ms. Manushi K Shah, Partner at La Mintage Dispute Resolution Hub LLP. Together they keep a track of all the changes and updations taking place in the industry because change in any industry is constant. This holds water in the case of litigation as well.

Focused and determined to help the society at large in resolving commercial disputes

Over the years, litigation has undergone a lot of changes. With international arbitration gaining momentum in the country, the judiciary is also helping and encouraging litigants to understand and adopt the alternative dispute redressal mechanisms to end their litigation. Keeping abreast of all the proceedings, La Mintage Dispute Resolution Hub LLP has always remained focused and determined to help the society at large in resolving commercial disputes and maintaining business relations. This has been one of the biggest factors that have helped them become successful.

However, there are times when it is challenging for them to make litigants understand the need for quick and amicable settle of disputes through mediation and arbitration and thereby help in attain stable exponential progress. Nevertheless, they always try to identify the common areas of conflict and encourage parties to deliberate on possible consensus. The habit of persistence, perseverance and performance has helped Mr. Moksha climb ladder of success. In the near future, he aims to aid the Legal Services Authority at State Level in resolving subject and technology specific issues by taking creative ideas and suggestions from his team.

The company welcomes great ideas, which is an outcome of team effort. “We as a team discuss our ideas and try to understand their feasibility and implementation which is followed by a meticulous review and assessment process”,Mr. Moksha asserts.He is the epitome of a leader who leads the entire team. A leader is one whose footsteps are being followed by the aspiring candidates who wish to enter the field of law. “A leader leaves a mark and impression on his team and also the society. So take one step at a time. Do no rush into multiple things”, he says.

Throughout his career, he has always been on his toes and keeps himself updated with the current trends and client/market requirements. Carrying out work effectively has helped him reach where he is today. His advice to those who wish to set on a similar pathis to “have patience and the best will come to you”. He wants people to resolve disputes amicably. “Try to look for alternative dispute redressal mechanisms which will help to end litigation quicker and faster”, he concludes.


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