Business credit cards are the type of cards that are mainly designed for businesses to make use of their expenses. This means that be it a small transaction or a big one, each one of those can be accommodated with the business credit card with cashback.
As we all know the fact that these plastic cards are found to be in use because they are safe, easy to carry and also deliver many rewards. So, there are different categories of credit cards available with banks/financial institutions and also with credit unions.
As per the requirement, individuals can adopt them and undertake benefits. But this time, we have come up with you to explore a business credit card with cash back.
So, if you were in constant search for them then you will get selected ones here.
But before that let us help you to determine why business credit cards with cashback are in demand.
Benefits of considering business credit card with cashback
As compared to personal credit cards, business ones have different features that one cannot get in every category. We have summed up the top ones to let you determine the difference between them and in turn, choose the one as per your requirements.
- Personal finances
The utmost benefit of business credit cards is that help businesses to keep their business and personal finances separate. This way it becomes quite easier to track business expenses and even manage the flow of cash.
- Offer higher credit limit
Not all credit cards can offer you an immediate higher limit. But when it comes to business credit cards, they offer a desired one. This helps businesses to make a large expense anytime they want to.
- The facility of rewards points
Many businesses’ credit card offers rewards points that can be turned into cash-back facility. However, they also work well when it comes to travel, purchase and other expenses.
- Credit score building
When you are using a business credit card and paying your expenses amount on time then you get a chance to improve your credit score. Since it is one of the top requirements that an individual has to pass on to take many facilities.
Hence, a good to fair credit score is needed. Yet with the use of a business credit card with cash back, you tend to improve your credit history.
No doubt business credit cards are available from a variety of banks and credit card issuers. But which ones are ranking on top often becomes difficult. Hence, here we give you the complete list of a business credit cards with cash back.
Also Read: Best credit cards with zero interest
Business credit card with cash back on all expenses
Business people have day-to-day transactions that are high in amount. It becomes quite difficult for them to carry such heavy amounts daily. This is the major reason why the introduction of a business credit card with cashback has been made available.
They are one of those that can support heavy transactions easily and earn cash back facility. In that manner, let us help you to determine them all in one place with us.
1. Bank of America® Business Advantage Customized
This is one of the top Business credit cards with cashback that offers customizable rewards points facilities. A business person who has huge spending daily can apply for a business credit card with cashback to get sorted with all of their transactions along with benefits.
- The card comes with no annual charges which is one of the best benefits.
- Customizable reward points facility, all you need is to choose the 5 categories to get 3% cashback, 2% on dining, and 1% on all other purchases.
- Businessperson can make use the credit card anywhere as there is no foreign transaction fees.
- Cardholders can also redeem the reward points for a variety of reward options like travel, gift cards and merchandise.
2. Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card
Being a business person, carrying an Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card is one of the easiest ways to make all purchases. This means if you do not have time to settle your expenses then this business credit card can easily manage all.
- Unlimited 1.5% cashback on all purchases made with Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card and on any category.
- There are no annual fees and hence no need to be worried about charges.
- Can be used anywhere as there are no foreign transaction fees.
- Redeem rewards points for statement credits, gift cards and even travel.
3. Ink Business Cash® Credit Card
For a business person who has significant spending and wants to take a Business credit card with cash back, you have to look Ink Business Cash® Credit Card. It is considered because it has different features that are best suited for businesses of all types.
- Earn $900 cashback after you spend $6000 (within 3 months of account opening).
- Earn 5% cashback on $25,000 spent in combined purchases- at the office supply store, cable, phone services and more.
- Round-the-clock monitoring of any unwanted transactions made.
- No annual fees
- 0% introductory APR for 12 months of purchase.
4. The American Express Blue Business Cash™ Card
The American Express Blue Business credit card is also one of the suitable choices that offers tons of benefits. Businesses that are on regular transactions can undertake heavy cash-back facilities. Businesses that spend $50K or more should consider adopting The American Express Blue Business Cash™ Card.
- 0% introductory APR for 12 months from the account opening.
- Earn a 2% cashback facility on purchases of up to $50,000 per calendar year.
- Businesses can take benefits from workflow to inventory floor plans (when your business is constantly changing).
- Cardholders do not have to be worried about annual charges.
5. Wells Fargo Business Elite Signature Card *
Available for businesses with annual sales of over $1 million. This means all are in need to get into robust employee spending control and reporting as well. It is also one of the best Business credit cards with cash back. It is therefore one of the Business credit card with cash back.
- It lets cardholders earn a $ 1,000 cashback bonus or 100,000 when they spend $25,000 (in the first 3 months of account opening).
- Earn a 1.5% cashback facility on every $1 spent and also receive 5000 bonus points.
- For the first year, there are no annual charges and from next year, $125.
- Comes with a travel accident reimbursement plan
There are several Business credit cards with cash back available to get a hold of the best features. To make this happen easily for you, look above the top ones. In turn, you can hold the one credit card as per your business requirements and in turn, get the best cashback facilities and many other rewards.